1、创建一个虚拟网络(使用的是网络选项1:provider networks)
Create virtual networks for the networking option that you chose when configuring Neutron. If you chose option 1, create only the provider network. If you chose option 2, create the provider and self-service networks.
# source admin-openrc
Create the network:
# openstack network create --share --external --provider-physical-network provider --provider-network-type flat provider
The --share option allows all projects to use the virtual network.
The --external option defines the virtual network to be external. If you wish to create an internal network, you can use --internal instead. Default value is internal.
The --provider-physical-network provider and --provider-network-type flat options connect the flat virtual network to the flat (native/untagged) physical network on the eth1 interface on the host using information from the following files:
Create a subnet on the network:
# openstack subnet create --network provider --allocation-pool start=,end= --dns-nameserver --gateway --subnet-range provider
Create m1.nano flavor:
# openstack flavor create --id 0 --vcpus 1 --ram 64 --disk 1 m1.nano
Generate a key pair
Most cloud images support rather than conventional password authentication. Before launching an instance, you must add a public key to the Compute service.
Source the demo project credentials:
# source demo-openrc
Generate a key pair and add a public key:
# ssh-keygen -q -N ""# openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub mykey
Verify addition of the key pair:
# openstack keypair list
Add security group rules
By default, the default security group applies to all instances and includes firewall rules that deny remote access to instances. For Linux images such as CirrOS, we recommend allowing at least ICMP (ping) and secure shell (SSH).
Add rules to the default security group:
Permit (ping):
# openstack security group rule create --proto icmp default
Permit secure shell (SSH) access:
# openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 22 default
Launch an instance
If you chose networking option 1, you can only launch an instance on the provider network. If you chose networking option 2, you can launch an instance on the provider network and the self-service network.
启动实例之前需要指定the flavor, image name, network, security group, key, and instance name.
On the controller node, source the demo credentials to gain access to user-only CLI commands:
# source demo-openrc
A flavor specifies a virtual resource allocation profile which includes processor, memory, and storage.
List available flavors:
# openstack flavor list
List available images:
# openstack image list
List available networks:
# openstack network list
由于选择的网络为provider networks所以这里显示为上面,如果选择的option 2则为:
List available security groups:
# openstack security group list
Launch the instance:
Replace PROVIDER_NET_ID with the ID of the provider provider network.
# openstack server create --flavor m1.nano --image cirros --nic net-id=PROVIDER_NET_ID --security-group default --key-name mykey provider-instance
If you chose option 1 and your environment contains only one network, you can omit the --nic option because OpenStack automatically chooses the only network available.
# openstack server create --flavor m1.nano --image cirros --nic net-id=7ccde909-94fa-4315-81e6-aa2652166c5b --security-group default --key-name mykey provider-instance
Check the status of your instance:
# openstack server list
The status changes from BUILD to ACTIVE when the build process successfully completes.
Access the instance using the virtual console
Obtain a session URL for your instance and access it from a web browser:
# openstack console url show provider-instance(后面是实例名称)
[libvirt]virt_type = qemucpu_mode = none
# systemctl restart libvirtd.service openstack-nova-compute.service
# systemctl status openstack-nova-api.service openstack-nova-consoleauth.service openstack-nova-scheduler.service openstack-nova-conductor.service openstack-nova-novncproxy.service
# source demo-openrc# openstack server create --flavor m1.nano --image cirros001 --nic net-id=7ccde909-94fa-4315-81e6-aa2652166c5b --security-group default --key-name mykey instance002
# openstack server list# openstack console url show instance002
这里的虚拟机id和控制节点上面的openstack server list显示的虚拟机id一致
grep 'ERROR' /var/log/nova/*grep 'ERROR' /var/log/neutron/*grep 'ERROR' /var/log/glance/*grep 'ERROR' /var/log/keystone/*
[root@node2 instances]# cd 10456257-2678-4f81-b72c-8de42872675e/[root@node2 10456257-2678-4f81-b72c-8de42872675e]# ll总用量 2736-rw------- 1 root root 38149 10月 21 19:12 console.log-rw-r--r-- 1 qemu qemu 2752512 10月 21 19:12 disk-rw-r--r-- 1 nova nova 79 10月 21 18:52 disk.info
- console.log 控制台日志
- disk 虚拟磁盘
- disk.info 虚拟磁盘信息
上图中_base下面的 是镜像(上传的两个镜像)
[root@node2 10456257-2678-4f81-b72c-8de42872675e]# ls -lh总用量 2.7M-rw------- 1 root root 38K 10月 21 19:12 console.log-rw-r--r-- 1 qemu qemu 2.7M 10月 21 19:12 disk
ip netns exec qdhcp-7ccde909-94fa-4315-81e6-aa2652166c5b ip ad li
- 云主机如何从dhcp获取这些信息?
根据etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini配置文件enable_isolated_metadata = true 实现